Friday, June 20, 2008

already worrying

I am learning one of the hardest things about being a mom. WORRY. I have been to two pediatricians this week who feel my son should have a specialist look at the shape of his head. He has spent a lot of time in his car seat/stroller and baby swing which I thought was normal for an infant. However, he seems to have more of an issue than other babies I have been around the last few months. So yes, I am a little worried.

I looked up flat head babies on the internet and found it under

Flat head syndrome is actually called Plagiocephaly. Plagiocephaly is when a baby's head develops a flat spot from some external pressure. They say I should see a specialist if I notice a flat area after the baby is six weeks. Well...he is 17 or 18 weeks now so I guess seeing a specialist is what I should do. Sometimes Plagiocephaly can be mistaken for a more serious condition called craniosynostosis. So that makes me worry even more. Craniosynostosis is a more
serious congenital condition in which one or more joints between the bones of the skull close up too early and the baby's head becomes deformed. GREAT!!!

So Erik and I are going to see a specialist at Miami Childrens Hospital and in the mean time I am going to have to think of sit up or tummy activities.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You are wise to insist to see a specialist. I pray the doctors find a simple answer for you and that it isn't anything serious.